The Sandy Hill Poetry Project connects neighbours and friends through poetry.
It offers a space to reflect, express, and share.
It’s an opportunity for creative connection during a time when many have felt disconnected.
And while poetry is the medium – there is no poetic experience required!
We will be accepting poems into 2022, and would love to hear from you. It's as simple as this: Write a short poem about your pandemic experience, and do a voice recording (up to 90 seconds). If you have any questions, send us a note at sandyhillpoetryproject@gmail.com.
The Sandy Hill Poetry Project was created by Rebecca Gibbons, a public health professional and Sandy Hill community member.
As a gratitude for their participation, poets were offered gift cards to Happy Goat Coffee Company. This was possible thanks to support from RisingYouth, a community service grant program led by TakingItGlobal.